Email Marketing Campaigns
Click on the links below to view the Christmas email campaigns.
Pinewood's email campaign.
Fredrick's email campaign.
Spread Eagle's email campaign.
Shillingford's email campaign.
Fredrick's email campaign.
Spread Eagle's email campaign.
Shillingford's email campaign.
You can see below examples of how successful our email marketing campaigns were. Average open rates for email marketing in the Hospitality industry are around 16%. Below you can see the highest open rate we received was 46.47%! Our
lowest-performing OR was 23.13%. Click Rate industry averages are 2-5%, so we are on track here.
lowest-performing OR was 23.13%. Click Rate industry averages are 2-5%, so we are on track here.

Google Ads
We received some very positive results with campaigns I set up in Google Ads.
The average conversion rate for Google Ads is 3.75%. For perspective, the top 25% of companies advertising with Google Ads maintain a conversion rate of 11.45%. The average conversion rate for Art Hotel's Christmas campaign was 8.13%. This is still a very positive result if you consider the severe situation the hospitality industry was facing due to the rise of the Omnicron virus.
We received some very positive results with campaigns I set up in Google Ads.
The average conversion rate for Google Ads is 3.75%. For perspective, the top 25% of companies advertising with Google Ads maintain a conversion rate of 11.45%. The average conversion rate for Art Hotel's Christmas campaign was 8.13%. This is still a very positive result if you consider the severe situation the hospitality industry was facing due to the rise of the Omnicron virus.