This website is currently being finalised, you can view the beta version by clicking here.
My budget for this project was quite low, an average website build cost's around £10,000. Using my knowledge/ experience I managed to split the work required between myself and an agency to get a final quoted development cost to £2000! 
This standard of website would usually cost around £20,000. However, as 90% of the work was done by myself it allowed us to really get the very best value for money.

The website, booking function, content strategy, photography, copy, pop ups and everything in between was produced by me. We used an agency to do some of the coding and get the site connected ready to go live. Google Analytics will be used to inform all decisions moving forward. Data analytics drives the customer experience.
There are so many elements to this website, in terms of the content and functionality that look to encourage the customer to engage either learn more, book a room or enquire. Elements such as the alert icon feature, encourage a user to engage with this element, which showcases our latest news and offers. The book direct benefits are scattered throughout the website, either directly on webpages with engaging animations, or as a pop up when you go to the 'book now' button.
There is also a degree of storytelling, pages that inform the customer of the hotels journey as a hotel built in the 1600's to where it is now. The nearby locations you can visit by staying at the hotel. There are so many individual elements that combine to create a truly wonderful online experience.  You need to have a great user experience, the site needs to be mobile responsive, social proof (reviews), compelling descriptions and imagery and the rest!
Conversions. So much goes into conversions, you can have the greatest website in the world but (depending on the industry) particularly e-commerce the purchase page is is where you lose majority of your potential customers. It is important this part of the website journey is as quick and simple as possible. Eliminate as many touchpoint as you can, whilst upselling on the way! The more personalised you can make this process the better. 
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